Showing 1 - 25 of 752 Results
At Anchor: A story of Our Civil War. by Wilmer, Richard Hooker, Bro... ISBN: 9781116115123 List Price: $36.99
Ilian; or, the Curse of the Old South Church of Boston a Psychological Tale of the Late Civi... by Kane, James Johnson, Wilmer... ISBN: 9781175727015 List Price: $33.75
Idyl of War-Times by Bartlett, W. C. 1839-1908, ... ISBN: 9781175723338 List Price: $22.75
Heroine of the Confederacy, or, Truth and Justice by O'Connor, Florence J., Wilm... ISBN: 9781176096691 List Price: $36.75
Dolores : A tale of disappointment and distress. Compiled, arranged and edited from the jour... by Robinson, Benjamin, Wilmer,... ISBN: 9781176151758 List Price: $22.75
In War Time by Mitchell, S. Weir 1829-1914... ISBN: 9781178634716 List Price: $36.75
In War Times at la Rose Blanche by Davis, M. e. m. 1852-1909, ... ISBN: 9781178632606 List Price: $27.75
John Charáxes : A tale of the Civil War in America by Curtis, George Ticknor, Wil... ISBN: 9781178686036 List Price: $29.75
John Smith's Funny Adventures on a Crutch, or the Remarkable Peregrinations of a One-Legged ... by Hill, Alonzo, Wilmer, Richa... ISBN: 9781178689433 List Price: $34.75
Black Angel : A tale of the American Civil War by Hayward, William Stephens, ... ISBN: 9781174624742 List Price: $34.75
Bob Brant, Patriot and Spy : A tale of the war in the West by Willett, Edward, Wilmer, Ri... ISBN: 9781174644856 List Price: $15.75
Brave Old Salt; or, Life on the Quarter Deck a Story of the Great Rebellion by Optic, Oliver, Wilmer, Rich... ISBN: 9781174650666 List Price: $32.75
Brother Against Brother, or, the Tompkins Mystery : A story of the great American Rebellion by Musick, John R. 1849-1901, ... ISBN: 9781174697524 List Price: $26.75
Bullet and Shell War As the Soldier Saw It; Camp, March, and Picket; Battlefield and Bivouac... by Williams, George Forrester,... ISBN: 9781174823886 List Price: $37.75
Andersonville Violets : A story of northern and southern Life by Collingwood, Herbert W. 185... ISBN: 9781175423092 List Price: $28.75
The gray and the blue. A story founded on incidents connected with the war for the union by E R. 1813-1893 Roe, Richard... ISBN: 9781178830323 List Price: $29.75
In Search of Gold : The story of a liberal Life by Wheelock, John E., Wilmer, ... ISBN: 9781178600865 List Price: $34.75
Fall of Fort Sumter, or, Love and War In 1860-61 by Newbrough, John Ballou, Wil... ISBN: 9781178613179 List Price: $22.75
Figs and Thistles : A Western Story by Tourg�e, Albion Winegar, Wi... ISBN: 9781178659122 List Price: $41.75
Joe : A boy in the War-times by Bigham, Robert W., Wilmer, ... ISBN: 9781178679472 List Price: $26.75
Southbooke; by Wilmer, Richard Hooker, Sco... ISBN: 9781174963452 List Price: $31.75
Luke Bennett's Hide Out; a Story of the War by Ashley, C. B., Wilmer, Rich... ISBN: 9781179050133 List Price: $24.75
the Stalwarts, or, Who Were to Blame? a Novel, Portraying Fifty Years of American History, S... by Wilmer, Richard Hooker, Nor... ISBN: 9781179493060 List Price: $30.75
Nos Am�ricains : �pisodes de la guerre de S�cession by Bellaigue De Bughas, Louise... ISBN: 9781179509068 List Price: $34.75
War-Time Wooing, a Story by King, Charles, Wilmer, Rich... ISBN: 9781179632742 List Price: $25.75
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